CN. Kurugundla

Dr. Chandraskara Naidu Kurugundla is a multi-disciplinary professional. He obtained his M. Sc. in plant sciences and Ph.D. in experimental crude oil pollution on plants, in India. His specializations include plant physiology, biochemistry, taxonomy, anatomy, floristic studies, alien invasive weeds, ecology, environmental and water quality studies, pollution and lake/wetland restorations. He taught for 16 years from 1981 and retired as the head of the Department of Botany in Sir Theagaraya College, Univesity of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, before taking up an assignment in Botswana as thRead More...



Books by C. N. Kurugundla

An anthology of aquatic plants is an excellent collection of knowledge about anything in fresh, marine, or polluted waters. This pictorial guide deals with aquatic and wetland plants from the Okavango to the transboundary rivers to the rainwater ponds and dams. Organized and written in a way that will make information easily accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike.

The guide/book highlights the diversity and vital ecological importance of th

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Prohibited Aquatic Invasive Weeds In Botswana

Books by CN. Kurugundla

This guide is motivational and inspiring to the students, weed control managers, communities and others. With great effort, the author describes the weed and weed characters in simpler terms to reach the common people. Eight aquatic invasive weeds have been prohibited in Botswana and their movement within the country is restricted as per the Aquatic Weed (Control) Act of 1986, Botswana. The readers draw attention to how these weeds can be identified in the fie

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