
In this debut novel Just Her, the author has passionately put all his ideas about life into a narrative, aiming to address the anonymous battles that occur within adults. With a keen eye for writing since childhood, he has explored the collection of fated actions directed by life, translating them into words of emotion. The author believes this therapeutic experience of writing has provided consolation for his thoughts and hopes it will help others who fight their inner battles.Read More...


Just Her

Books by Kesav Gokul

We all suffer from our thoughts, don't we?

It is the mind that is the ultimate weapon ever made and its imagination being the masterful art form. The hardest thing to do is to convince the mind, which people say is intelligent.

This book revolves around the idea of what love does to this stubborn mind and how the ever-changing facets of life affect its core beliefs.

The journey together was filled with laughter and destined to bring them c

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